Life is not complicated, it’s very simple. The first step to losing weight is to start getting a good night sleep, which means giving rest to your body for at least 7-8 hours. You can eat clean and exercise regularly, but if you don’t sleep for at least 7 hours every night, then you might find it difficult to lose weight to begin with, and even if you lose weight by some miracle, you wont able to maintain it. Lets see how lack of sleep messes up with your body and weight.

1. Bye! Metabolism – The energy source of our body is Glucose. When it is not used up(or metabolised) by the body (which happens when you don’t sleep properly) it is converted into filth known as…..FAT!!

2. Low on Energy – A good night sleep fills up the energy store of your body. So if you don’s sleep enough, you feel low on energy, which can be presented as inability to do work, irritability, mood swings etc. Low energy = Low stamina which will result in not so effective workouts or any kind of fitness activity you are involved in.

3. Hormones – Glucagon like peptide is a hormone (that’s all the biology you need to know about it). This hormone gives us the satiety feeling. But, when we are sleep deprived, this hormone is not produced in sufficient quantity and hence you feel more hungry that what you normal would feel. Also, we all know about Growth Hormone (self-explanatory). GH is also produced in less quantity when we are sleep deprived, this GH eats up the FAT, so less GH = More FAT.

4. Awake for long hours = More time = More eating…!!!!

So, starting today, get into the routine of sleeping a minimum of 7 hours if not more and LOSE WEIGHT. Yes, losing weight is going to be very easy..!!

21 responses to “Want to Lose weight? (Part 1 of 4) – Go..Get a good night sleep..!!!!”

  1. Very important advice. most of us neglect sleep while overacting on controlling diet!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So don’t forget to sleep 7-8 hours tonight

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Indeed. I do sleep 7-8 hours every night. Thanks for reminding though. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Ahhh… I considered myself as a night owl. I mos


  3. Sorry… accidentally press enter before I could finish my words. I often having trouble for sleep.


    1. Well it can be due to multiple reasons dear. Too much thinking is one of the commonest cause. Drinking coffee near bedtime is another. Also, depends upon whether you having trouble falling asleep or the quality of sleep is bad

      Liked by 1 person

  4. NeverBeNormalAgain

    Remember to eat enough in the evening to fuel a good night’s sleep. We repair overnight and that takes energy. Diets that cut out carbs before bed will only encourage weight gain if you slip up!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. NeverBeNormalAgain

      I had terrible insomnia and one of the causes was eating too little in my evening meal

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Reblogged this on Be Inspired..!! and commented:

    A good night sleep is really first step to lose weight

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Good sleep is more important than I thought for sure. Well rested mind thinks better too 🙂 Pleasantly surprised to see that you listed this as the first step!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Reblogged this on sngee and commented:
    Great blog post to help inspire you to lose weight – enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. My resolution for 2016: Sleep early and sleep deep….zzz….


  9. This is excellent advice on weight loss and we do not hear enough about the importance of sleep when trying to lose weight–well done, thank you for posting.


  10. Great post! All the elements of a healthy life are required to exhibit that healthy body. Clearly sleep plays an important part. Thanks for linking a good nights sleep into the healthy body equation.


  11. Sleep is a must and the reason I haven’t been able to shift any baby weight. Such chronic sleep deprivation my hormones (including progesterone and cortisol) are whacked (thank you crazy breastfeeding routine!). But I have a plan and I’m getting more sleep so hopefully progress is around the corner!


  12. This is another reason by I should try to get more sleep. Unfortunately I rarely get a full uninterrupted 7 hours!


  13. Jonathan James Olivier

    Good advice. Many people beat up their bodies at the gym and then don’t give it time to repair. Sleep is 1/3 of the puzzle. Sleep, Eat Right, Exercise.


  14. What do I do to get sufficient sleep when I am Bi-Polar and have difficulty not only getting to sleep but sleeping longer than 3 1/2 to 4 hours at a time.? My Psychiatrist has prescribed Gabapentin and Melatonin to help me get to sleep and stay asleep but I still wake up feeling groggy and fatigued and I continue to stay awake for long periods of time. I have carb cravings that have been difficult to manage. I would appreciate either some advice from you or perhaps you could point me in a direction where I could find some help. Thank you so much.


    1. Will, have you tried exercise? I know food trumps exercise, but usually as you start serious exercise your food choices start improving. Plus, if you exercise enough, your body will automatically start craving sleep to repair and make even stronger what the exercise has torn down. The exercise needs to be both aerobic and weights and to get the benefits you need to be consistent and serious. This was the best I could do and I wish you the best.


  15. hmmm haven’t heart this one before but it makes sense (except being older I find it hard to sleep more than 6-7 hours.- that seems pretty normal for someone in their 60 though.)

    Liked by 1 person

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