Positive thinking is a possibility for everyone. It doesn’t matter what your education level is, your income, or your social status. You choose to be positive or negative, regardless of your life and circumstances. You have the control and power over your thoughts. So stop making excuses as to why you can’t be a positive thinking person. After all, what have you got to lose, other than your negativity?

Your mind can control your body for better or for worse. A negative mind-set can mar your life while a positive mind-set can make your life happy and peaceful. The choice is yours! Here are few ways in which you can start thinking positive :

  • Meditate – Meditating is an east tool you can use to start thinking positively. Just sit yourself down in a quiet room by yourself, close your eyes and breathe. Focus on your breathing and “tune out” all of your thoughts in your head. It’s not easy to keep the thoughts out of your head at first, but in time, you will master it.
  • Have Fun – Do the things that bring you joy. Laugh and have a good time. By doing the things you love to do, you forget about all of the other stuff happening in your life. This re-charges your batteries and puts you in a better mood. It also allows you to view issues and situations in a different light, coming to better and different conclusions.
  • Journal – Journaling is an excellent way to think positively. Just take 10 minutes before bed and write about your day. By putting the things that happen to you down on paper, it serves as a way to release the negative energy. As you write, you will see things differently and will be better at rationalizing events.
  • Focus on Positives – It’s easy to get caught up in the bad things that happen to us: the spilled coffee, the traffic, getting caught in the rain. But in order to think positively, we need to start focusing on the positives. Find them, no matter how small. A good parking spot, a cold beer in the fridge, an item on sale. Recognize them when they happen and be thankful for them.

Positive thinking helps a person find a way in a difficult task or a tough situation. He starts feeling that something can be done to overcome the difficulties that are looming large at that moment. It is said that a serious person finds a way, while an idler finds an excuse. The difference between these two is that of attitude-of being hopeful or being without hope. A person who keeps hopes alive gives himself a chance to succeed, however difficult the task.

Here’s a post on how to stop overthinking > https://empress2inspire.blog/2020/01/17/stop-overthinking-everything/

17 responses to “Tips on Positive Thinking”

  1. Nice…. And +ive

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Pleasure is all mine

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  2. I really like the simple way you put it. You made the seemingly impossible become more possible through your presentation. I like to believe that I am a positive person, negativity hurts and it really serves very little purpose if none at all. Thank you for your piece.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Bruce. I am glad you liked it. When faced with stressful situations, positive thinkers cope more effectively than pessimists. In one study, researchers found that when optimists encounter a disappointment (such as not getting a job or promotion) they are more likely to focus on things they can do to resolve the situation.


  3. Ratan Lal Gadri

    An Awesome Post

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I am glad you liked it.


    1. Thank you for stopping by. I am glad you liked my post. Always be positive. Positive people can inspire and influence others to reframe and to think about things differently. They can be infectious in a good way. Most people enjoy the company of a positive person. Without being pushy, a positive person can challenge individuals to focus on what they can control.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your kind words

        Liked by 2 people

      2. My pleasure. So stop by again.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank You. I am glad you like it.


  4. Love these! Very nice! Will reblog them!

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