The only thing stopping you from reaching your goals and dreams are your limits. It’s when you meet your limits that you feel resistance and things you want seem harder to achieve. Whether it is fear, doubt, physical abilities or some other mental block, it can present a huge barrier to getting what you want.

Unfortunately most people can’t work past their limits and give up. So how far you get in reaching your dreams is very dependent on how good you are at overcoming this obstacle. Fail to push past your limits and you’ll leave your dreams unrealized. Work through them and you can make any dream or goal a reality.

Here are a few ways in which you can push your limits :

  • Face your fears – make a list of the things you’re really afraid of – all of them. Start small and take on each of these fears one at a time. Celebrate your successes and enlist the help of a professional if needed.
  • Quit trying to be perfect – Stop focusing so much time and energy on presenting a perfect image. You’ve imposed these ridiculously high standards on yourself, break this illusion of perfection. People will accept you for who you are.
  • Get a partner – Two heads are better than one. You may work well on your own, but some endeavours just can’t be accomplished without a partner. having someone who shares your successes (and failures) can provide you with a feeling of security that will allow you to take the risks you fear most which often reap the greatest rewards.
  • Learn to let go – Don’t let a fear of the unknown keep you from achieving success. Let go of your expectations and take measures risks. The trick is to gamble with the things you are willing to lose. Taking a few losses will teach you something about these things on how to improve them so that they no longer carry as much of a risk.
  • Make new friends – You and your friends likely share many things in common. Great, now go out and make new friends who challenge you by bringing out your more adventurous side. Choose the company of people who are more daring and require you to be open-minded.
  • Visualise success – Allot a few minutes of your day – everyday – to envisioning what your personal success looks like, and remember to be detailed. Visualising your success will allow your mind to become more open to taking the risks associated with it. Go for it, take the time to dream and dream BIG.

Reference :

23 responses to “Push Your Limits”

    1. Thank you for sharing


  1. It’s so amazing that you’ve written this. Yesterday and today, I’ve been battling back and forth with Facebook and Instagram about blocking me from posting on my pages because the “link to my website violates the security system and community policy.” They literally shutdown ads that I’ve had running for the past 2-3 months on both platforms and will not allow me to even like or respond to anyone else on there as well. So, I opted to take my ad money and go to Google, Bing, and Twitter. My point is…there is always a way around any obstacle. We just have to be willing to look for it. Thanks for sharing this. 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is a great example of how to push your limits, rather overcome them. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences with my blog readers. You have inspired me today 🙏🏼

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you. You inspire me daily. A little reciprocation was in order. 🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you again 🙏🏼

        Liked by 1 person

      3. 🙏🏽 you’re welcome

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Everyone has dreams and goals. However, very few people actually achieve them. This is because majority of us let our limits hold us back. These limits take various forms. Examples are physical inability, doubt, fear or a negative past. When you meet your personal limits, you feel resistance. This makes everything feel much harder to accomplish. Many people around the world are unable to hold on when it gets to this point. Therefore, they give up. It is important to learn how to beat your limits and overcome them. This enables you to achieve your goals.


  2. Hey Garima, nicely written. Is there a way to contact you through email for collaboration?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Aman. I am glad you liked the post. Pushing past your limits means taking on newer, progressively harder challenges. If you’re not challenging yourself to do bigger and better things on a regular basis, you’re only working within the confines of what you already can do.


  3. Great post. I agree with everything you wrote. I particularly like what you said about facing your fears. I look forward to reading more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is human nature to avoid emotions that scare us. Who wants to walk directly into what promises to be a painful experience? Except that by continually avoiding looking at the ‘boogeyman’ within, you become hostage to the monster. Typically this involves hiding from any potential stressor that might cause upset and engaging in endless distractions. Alas you are also hiding from potential challenges that can lead to growth and joy. Plus, you can’t hide forever from fear. It’s going to strike despite your best efforts to suppress it. And it is likely that it will strike at a time when you most need emotional equanimity.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Very well said. I learned in the military that fear is natural but you have to learn to control your fears.

        Liked by 1 person

    Remember you are limitless – you can push past your barriers. This excellent article gives you some great ideas how to start……

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for reblog.


  5. Thanks garima for liking my post & motivates me to blog more😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like your posts Veronica. Good Luck.


  6. Reblogged this on The Unconditional Guru and commented:
    a nice way to push our limits

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the reblog.


      1. welcome, that is really practical

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Glad you liked it.


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