Get ready to maximise your potential, maximise your living with empress2inspire’s new posts series “Daily Dose of Living”. These series will bring you the best in personal development and productivity every day of the week. Your best life awaits.

In today’s post we will learn about how to be achieve financial freedom. Money. It rips families apart, ruins marriages, and keeps people from pursuing their dreams. Money troubles inject unnecessary stress, anxiety, and arguments into our daily lives, which keeps us in perpetual discontent. We never seem to have enough, and, living paycheck to paycheck, we can’t ever get ahead. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Most of us have no idea where our money is going. We think we know, but we don’t really know. This is doubly true for those of us who are married or live with a significant other. Ergo, the first step toward financial freedom is establishing a written monthly budget. 

Here’s how you can budget :

  • Necessary. Identify what’s truly necessary by identifying all of your monthly expenses based on the past six months, and then divide your expenses into three categories: Essentials, Non essentials and Junk.
  • Boundaries. By establishing boundaries, you won’t worry about what you can and can’t purchase because money that wasn’t assigned at the beginning of the month can’t be spent mid-month.
  • Teamwork. Everyone in your household even your children must have a say in the written budget. This is the only way to get every person’s buy-in.
  • Adjust. The first month is the most difficult, but by the third month you’ll curse yourself for wasting so much money during your budget-less days.
  • Safety. Your Safety Net will allow you to stay on budget even when life punches you in the face. Over time, once you’re out of debt, your Safety Net will grow to include several months of income. 

Want to learn more about common mental blocks about money, tap here >

Hope this helped. Come back tomorrow for more inspiration.

7 responses to “Daily Dose of Living”

    1. Thank you for the reblog.


  1. the greatvincent

    Well… pleasure of living nurtured dose of daily living

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Vincent. Financial freedom, or financial independence, is being able to live the life you want to live without having to worry about money. It means being secure in the knowledge that you’ll have enough money available to meet your needs, either for a limited period or for the rest of your life.


      1. the greatvincent

        Financially we must be stable otherwise hunger, corruption will assassinate us.

        Liked by 1 person

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