Welcome fellow souls to « The Human Family Crash Course Series, » a new project collaborated together by empress2inspire.blog and sensispirit.wordpress.com. Together we will be working on a different topic for each crash course; our second topic is focused on «How To Thrive In 2021.» Each topic will have eight posts with posts on Mondays and Thursdays. We hope you enjoy our series and we look forward to knowing how our posts have inspired you!

Want to know how to always be positive in 2021. In this post, I’ll share the secret sauce. When I say how to always be positive, I am talking from an actual practical standpoint. How can I make sure that no matter what happens to me in my life, I build my mental fortitude to overcome it. Because ultimately that is what we are really trying to build our mindset for to handle anything that life will throw at us.

In order to stay realistic and positive in 2021, we have to look at two forms of negativity : 

  • Your Internal Negativity 
  • Your External Negativity 

Internal Negativity – “Your mind is a garden”, this quote comes from a book “As a Man Thinketh” and it says that you are the only one who has access to the garden of your mind. You can’t have negative thoughts in my mind and try to stay positive all the time. 

  • Notice the negativity. As a gardener, you have to pull the weeds out the moment you see them instead of letting them grow. Since you are the only one who has access to the garden, you have to do the dirty work yourself. No therapist, no medications, no friends and family can truly help you despite having best intentions. 
  • Always choose your second thought consciously. You may or may not be able to always identify your first negative thought, sometimes it comes in a form of a memory or situation before we realise our brain starts spiralling. But as soon as you become aware, it is your responsibility to choose your second thought wisely. Don’t judge yourself or get emotional over it. It is okay!! Carry on. 
  • Realise that negativity is going to happen, you can’t escape it. Failures are going to happen. Relationships are going to end. People are going to be fired. Things that you don’t want are going to happen at some point in your lives. Instead of allowing those things to let you go down a path of negative thinking or judgement, or fear, or worry, or anxiety, look at them knowing and ask yourself “What can I learn from this?”
  • Don’t resist reality when S*** happens. Don’t try to fight it because you don’t want it to be that way. The amount of stress, anxiety, worry, fear and all of those things that you are currently going through or feel around something is in direct proportion to how much you are resisting your reality. So feel it, the entire intensity…don’t resist..it has happened. Feel it and then move on. Forgive and Forget. 

External Negativity – If people around you are toxic or negative, what do you do? Either you let them go and live their lives the way they want to or you figure out a way to spend less time with them. It’s simple. If you want to truly want to become a different person and there is someone that is constantly pulling you down, the above two options are the only choices you have. Ultimately you have to realise that if there is external negativity around you, that negativity will sooner or later start affecting your inner negativity. 

  • Teach people how to talk to you. If you have a friend, or someone in your family who constantly calls you just to vent their worries and disappointments in life just to feel lighter and without worrying about whether you have the mental space for it, ask them to stop. You are an average of 5 people who you surround yourself with..choose wisely. 
  • Everything that has happened to you is the perfectly crafted curriculum for you to become the best version of yourself. So if there is a negative situation around you, see it as a game, see that as a challenge and see how you can become more positive in this environment. 
  • If there is nothing you can do about it, which can be the situation, think of it like watching into a gym. See how much weight you can lift to build your muscle. If you want to get more positive in life and build more mental fortitude, then this is your chance to build resilience. You gotta figure it out.

If this post came out loud and rude, I am sorry. My intent was not to scold you and tell you that your life will suck for sure. But what I urge you to do is have the courage to look into different aspects of your life and see which part is toxic and fix it because it will never allow you to become the better version of yourself. 

13 responses to “How to Realistic and Positive in 2021”

  1. Hello,

    My name is Jessica and couldn’t help but to notice quite a few good pointers mentioned on your post about taking on this year 2021. Here is my blog site at http://help4urmentalhealth.com in which I write my own literatures that discuss typical life experiences, how to cope with it spiritually, and how it affects our mental health.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Great post! Good lessons, and so true! Your guiding voice is so inspiring, and I appreciate your thoughtful concern. Thank you once again. These are the lessons we need for 2021, surely!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the post Susan. It’s ok to be a low rung as long as you’re working hard for a better future. … Essentially what it all seems to come down to is the fact that it’s ok to be comfortable with a simple life, as long as that life, and the work you do has a future for you and your loved ones. A simple life can be a beautiful thing.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I don’t think this blog appeared rude at all, it’s brilliant, helps people start new beginnings. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feedback. Glad you liked the post

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    1. Thank you for the reblog

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Always a joy and pleasure to read and share your posts with followers, My Dear! Have a great day!!
        xoxox 😘💕🎁🌹

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Thanks for the reblog.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Always a joy and pleasure to read and share your posts with followers, My Dear! Have a great day!!
        xoxox 😘💕🎁🌹

        Liked by 2 people

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