Welcome fellow souls to « The Human Family Crash Course Series, » a new project collaborated together by empress2inspire.blog and diosraw0.wordpress.com. Together we will be working on a different topic for each crash course; our sixth topic is focused on «Law Of Attraction.» Each topic will have eight posts with posts on Mondays and Thursdays. We hope you enjoy our series and we look forward to knowing how our posts have inspired you!

Miracles happen all the time and you will see the signs a miracle is coming your way. Some miracles you see and other miracles you don’t see. People experience the unexplainable every day. You can have supernatural miracles in your life when you vibrate at the frequency of miracles. Are you waiting for your miracle? Stop waiting and start believing in miracles. Are you attracting the impossible with your thoughts, feelings, and vibration? If not, you can be. Together with the Universe you can make miracles happen. Discover the signs that you are about to get the miracle you seek. The love you crave, the money you desire, and the health you depend on is coming your way. Learn to listen to the Universe when it gives you the signs of miracles coming your way. You will be surprised at the number of miracles you experience. Open up your chakras and your mind to attract your deepest desires.

Today we will soar high, like an eagle, in the direction of your dreams and goals. If you have two or maybe three of these signs in your life right now then it is quite possible that a miracle is coming your way. You could be the next million dollar winner. You may have your dream home without down payment. All of a sudden an opportunity may open up and you may have a brand new home coming your way. You may be free of any health ailments that you might have. Wayne Dyer used to say, “People who don’t believe in miracles will never have a miracle because they don’t see them. A miracle happens but they don’t give it credit as being a miracle.” Understand that miracles are happening all the time, every single day and you can put your order as a miracle as well. 

Without further ado, here you are signs that a miracle is coming your way :

Sign 1 – You see no signs of change or breakthrough but your vibe is higher than usual. In other words, things don’t look any different, they look exactly the same. Same job, same challenges, same everything, but now your vibe is moving higher. This happens when you take responsibility for your own personal vibration. You understand that your personal vibration is how you attract what you deeply desire. 

Sign 2 – You feel a growing connection with source energy and that’s nice because you are feeling this connection that is growing on a day to day basis with the universe, with the source. You feel this sense of knowingness. Know that I know that I know, I understand because I am. In other words, the universe’s source energy pours through you and that illuminates you. It also makes you more magnetic to attract whatever it is you desire. 

Sign 3 – Being overwhelmed by gratitude. Just take a deep breath, close your eyes and tell yourself that you are absolutely blessed because you are breathing. With the pandemic, it is a blessing to be breathing. Try to find more and more grateful moments in your life. Grateful moments are happening all the time. If you are having more and more of them, that’s a positive sign that you are now in alignment with the higher vibrational energy and you are attracting more and more of what you desire. You see it is impossible to have negative thoughts, negative vibration when you are saturated with gratitude, when you are just feeling grateful for everything in your life. Everything that was and is and is to come, be grateful.

Sign 4 – Signs and Numbers – If you see the number 1111 everywhere, that’s it…that’s the sign. Not just 1111, but if you see sequential numbers everywhere, then that means that the universe is talking to you. It is a sign that the universe is speaking back to you in what is known as the universal language which is the language of mathematics and numbers. Make an effort to learn what these synchronous numbers mean. 

Sign 5 – You are having more dreams and visions. You are waking up with clear dreams that aren’t scattered but they seem to be coherent and they seem to be different than the normal dreams. They make you go wow this dream was very clear. When you wake up you will understand what the dream means and if you don’t, write them down and you can figure them out later. Do not dismiss any dream. 

Sign 6 – You find coins, money or symbols of abundance a lot. My rule of thumb for highflyers is that anytime I see money of any denomination, I pick it up and I keep it in a jar or a purse. I don’t spend it. For me it is like a gift from the universe. Over time obviously that jar will become full. That will attract more money. Patience is a virtue that you should have here. Sometimes money may come in the form of opportunities or some work, when they do it is a sign from the universe and they are bringing you close to your goals. 

Sign 7 – You have a deeper communication going on with nature. With pandemic since we can’t go outside that much, whenever I have a huge inclination to be nature, I watch walking in nature videos on youtube on my large TV screen. It does the trick. It is the universe’s way of telling me to ground myself. It is a sign and a symbol that good things are coming your way. 

Sign 8 – Ringing in your ears and I am not talking about tinnitus, I am talking about light ringing in your ears from time to time. That is generally you turning into higher vibrational energy. Some people believe it is angelic energy. Whatever it is that you believe, it is definitely a powerful sign that a miracle is just about to happen. This happens just before the miracle. 

Sign 9 – Small miracles. You are having small miracles all the time. Small miracles like you find a parking spot in an otherwise packed parking lot. Little miracles add up and they are a sign or a precursor to say that a larger miracle or miracles are coming your way. 

You have no limits and boundaries, you have none of that. So all you need to do is believe in yourself or trust yourself. 

5 responses to “Signs That A Miracle is Coming Your Way”

  1. Interesting post👍 Keep writing such stuff.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Divya, glad you liked the post

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    1. Thank you for sharing

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      1. Always a joy and pleasure to read and share your posts with followers, My Dear! Hope you have a great day!! xoxox 😘💕🎁🌹

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