Being thick skinned is an essential virtue now.

What’s your big aspiration in life? Something you have longed for a long time? Many people want to have an exotic holiday, maybe get into shape, raise funding, etc., etc. But for me, a very acute sense of longing has been to develop a thick skin.

Over the years, I have been getting there, very much so. But it’s like doing ab crunches; when you are not genetically wired to have a lean body, you need to work damn hard to tone your abdomen to sport some sexy abs. In exactly the same way, you have to work very hard to develop a thick skin. 

Again, like everything else in our lives, I will blame the lack of a thick skin on our upbringing and our parents and teachers and everyone who gave us advice or taught us something. Do you remember how you were reprimanded if you did not listen to what was being told to you? “You just listen to me,” or, “Don’t pretend you cannot hear me,” and “Pay attention!” were more or less the regular rhetoric from parents and teachers. So we were invariably wired to listen, to absorb what was being told, to get scolded and either accept if by writing “I am sorry I did…” 100 times in our cursive writing notebooks, or by standing outside the door and be made to feel guilty because we had not listened.

While I fully subscribe to the early day habit formation of listening to people and what is being told, I also think this habit makes us vulnerable to people around us. We get so attuned to listening to people around us. Sometimes, the noise is so high that we stop listening to our own selves.

To all those who are aspiring to develop thick skin, I would say, first and foremost thank yourself for not being born with the natural propensity of having a thick skin and an indifferent attitude. It’s remarkable to be sensitive even though in our current world, it is undervalued and often seen as a weakness, not a trait a strong business leader is expected to have. I disagree. Our sensitivity quotient is our biggest strength.

Someone who can cry hard can only laugh harder.

So first and foremost, love your own sensitivity to the signals around you.

Having said that, developing thick skin has to be an everyday practice. Every day, let’s ignore the heartlessness of some people around us, in fact, love them, they make us stronger.

Every insult, every rejection only helps us develop a thicker skin. 

Cheers to being thick-skinned.

21 responses to “Being Thick Skinned”

  1. True! Recently I have been trying to achieve this. I succeeded few times but failed many times. The main thing here is the thickness needs to keep increasing. Like when people see that you are no more affected by their comments, few give up and others try harder to hurt you or put you down! Unfortunately there is no black or white in this case but good luck with your aspiration!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Keep trying..we will all get their someday

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    1. Thank you for sharing


  2. Stopping in to say thank you for visiting my site today and liking my post. Have a great day today.

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    1. Thank you for visiting my blog 🙂

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    1. Thank you Sowmya yet again 😄

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    1. Thank you for sharing.

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      1. Always a joy and pleasure to read and share your posts with followers, My Dear! Hope you have a great day!! xoxox 😘💕🎁🌹


  3. Very very relevant article for our self mental peace… I can totally relate to this.. I was thick skinned once then later due to circumstances became a people pleaser which led me to a sensitive person.. now I understand where I am on these lines and what is the repercussion for the same..

    But there is one thing I wanted clarity on the point “let’s ignore the heartlessness of some people around us, in fact, love them, they make us stronger”. Can you please elaborate more on the same

    Liked by 1 person

    1. When people were mean, I figured it was a personal choice, that it was a conscious decision to stop caring about other people’s feelings and opinions.


  4. ❤️❤️wow I have Never thought of this so. Nice 👍🏿 and I will share too.

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    1. Glad you liked the post Princess

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    1. Thank you for sharing.


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