Kids are more likely to persist at hard tasks if they have a growth mindset. Grit is all about diligence, self control, perseverance, purpose, passion, tenacity, optimism and stick-to-itiveness.

If you want to raise a kid with grit? Make sure they:

  • Play – Exploring lets kinds discover what they’re passionate about; they’re more likely to persist at what’s meaningful to them.
  • Practice – It’s not always fun or motivating. It takes willpower. But daily practice trumps talent when it comes to getting good at something.
  • Face Challenges – The right level fo challenge is not too hard and not too easy, it’s just hard enough to make effort rewarding.
  • Aim High – Research shows that when teachers have high expectations and show they believe students can achieve their goals, kids are more persistent.
  • Focus on Effort – When kids are praised for their effort, they’re more likely to thrive in the face of difficulty. Kids who are praised for their intelligent or talent are more likely to avoid challenges.
  • Study Smart – Good study skills, work habits, and strategies gives kids the support they need to meet challenges.
  • Imagine Success – Research shows visualising a future goals and how they’ll handle obstacles improves kids persistence.

Studies how grit plays a bigger role than IQ when it comes to achieving tough long term goals.

Reference :

4 responses to “Want To Raise a Kid With Grit?”

  1. I helped raise four kids into adulthood before grit was a thing. The list does a great job of capturing what it takes. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience with grit. Glad you liked the post.


  2. Great post! I loved Duckworth’s book “Grit” and as a Marine for 12 years, I can tell you it really shows when someone grew up with a focus on developing/nurturing the growth mindset and grit, or if they are trying to re-mold their actions and thoughts to fit that mold as an adult.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah what inspiring lines. Thank you for sharing these. Your ability to persevere in the face of adversity is what drives your success and achievements. According to Duckworth, the ability to be gritty—to pursue what’s important to you and be resilient in the face of failure—is a crucial component of success independent of and beyond what talent and intelligence contribute.

      Liked by 1 person

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