Quantum jump means changing timelines to something you have practised with your energy or consciousness. To quantum jump, your energy needs to drastically change. These changes involve risk and decisions that take you into uncharted territory and seem illogical.

Quantum jump requires you to rethink everything, especially your relationship with the Universe. It’s done without effort and contains simple, energy-efficient and time-saving, obvious moves you haven’t considered.

It’s not trying harder or trying conventional approaches (this excludes self-discipline or persistence virtues). It’s an abrupt change of behaviours, i.e. doing thee opposite or the reverse. it requires radical, paradoxical changes from your current habits, routines and behaviours. Once you decide to quantum jump, the Universe reveals the clues on what to do and what to discontinue.

Your blocks indicate you operate on flawed thinking and judgements. Set new patterns and question everything. Think beyond common sense and apply the energy formula. Easy, simple changes = increase in energy to quantum jump with exponential growth. Quantum jump comes from intuitive instinctual changes with a focus to create a new roadmap.

How to Quantum Jump:
– Make changes as if success if guaranteed. Make un-calculated risks.
– Be clear on the end destination, not on the how.
– Remove doubt and relax as you are guided to your quantum jump.
– Think out of the box and find the simplest, easiest solutions to implement.
– Believe the resources are provided and remain open to receive them.
– Challenge the odds so they will be stacked in your favour.
– Engage in pursuit of your dreams and not act passively.

Signs of Quantum Jumping:
– You experience confusion, ambiguity, and chaos as the old patterns fall away.
– Opportunities open up and truths are revealed.
– You take risks that may cause failure.
– Your potential and talents unleash as you follow your passion.
– The fine tuning occurs after your quantum jump.
– You’re ready prepared for the change which is contained within you.

Are you taking the leap?

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4 responses to “Quantum Jump”

  1. Super interesting 💯🙉😳 I have never heard of quantum jumping in this way 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 thank you 🙏🏻

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you found the post useful.


  2. The alignment of finding this post right now — its magical! I have been calling them energetic jumpstarts but quantum jump hits hard too, and now I know I’m not the only one out here hacking the matrix! Enjoy and stay safe !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s all aligned. Glad you found the post.


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