Step 3

Be Inspired..!!

Hi there…thanks for coming back for the 3rd step. I hope you all are (or trying to) getting a good 7-8 hours of sleep every night and drinking lots and lots of water to boost up your metabolism and saying bidding adieu to FAT..!!

Now, we all know that more input leads to more output (common sense). In other words, more input will lead to more FAT. So, unless we decrease the amount of food we eat, we cannot think of losing fat. And to win this battle against food, we have to be smart and trick the mind to eat less. So, here are a few suggestions for you to trick your mind into eating less:

1. Time to get a new dinner/meal set 😉 – Well, who said that tricking the mind would difficult??!!!. I mean it doesn’t harm to shop a little..:P. So if you have been…

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One response to “Want to Lose weight? (Part 3 of 4) – Trick your Brain”

  1. I believe that you can trick your brain.I think its smart.

    Liked by 1 person

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