Gratitude in advance is the most powerful creative force in the universe.

If we are already grateful for something before it appears, then we are essentially vibrating at the same frequency as that which we want. You have a very powerful energy force that lies within. Some call it a soul, your spirit, or your higher self. Science has proven that we are constructed of energy. This energy vibrates so fast that it manifests in a physical form, our body.

Your emotions are the energy that amplifies your thoughts. Your thoughts signal to the Universe, God, the Collective Consciousness, call it whatever you like, what it is that you desire to create and have manifest into your reality. As you learn to increase your vibrational energy and raise the frequency to that of love, peace and joy, the Universe will send that vibrational match, the same energy that you are vibrating on, back into your life through people, places and circumstances that resonate with those same thoughts and feelings.

What we desire may not be here yet in the material sense, but it is there in the energy field within our world and the Universe. The more you make an effort to see the positive side in every situation, the more positive aspects you’ll notice. Not only do you recognize more of the good stuff, you’ll actually begin to attract it.

Like attracts like! The more grateful you are for what you already have, the more good things you will attract to be grateful about. The more positive you are, the more positive people you will attract. The more appreciative you feel about money, the more money you will attract.

The key is to visualize how that relationship will feel or how that money will give us freedom. Focus on the feeling, the energy, not the object you want to hold. We desire things in life because of how they make us feel. When you receive what you manifested into your life, be grateful for it and more of that abundance will continue to rush towards your reality.

17 responses to “Focus On The Feeling Of Being Grateful”

    1. Thank you for sharing.


    1. Thank you for sharing.


  1. I totally believe this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It brings in a lot of positive energy.


  2. […] Focus On The Feeling Of Being Grateful — Be Inspired..!! […]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing.


    1. Thank you for sharing.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Always a joy and pleasure to read and share your posts with followers, My Dear! Hope you have a great day!! xoxox 😘💕🎁🌹

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing.


    1. Thank you for sharing


  3. Beautifully expressed how life works with the law of attraction
    stay safe happy healthy and wealthy

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Kanika. All good things to you!


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