I look at successful billionaires and always ask this question, What did they do different? How did they achieve this much success and money? People usually say “It all destiny, they were lucky”. I could take any answer for my questions, but not when destiny is involved. I am a strong believer that everyone makes their own destiny, from a beggar on the street to the president of a country. Everyone sees the end result, but no one sees the effort that has gone behind that success. Did these successful people had it easy? Nope I don’t think so. So what it is that differentiate them from the rest of us? Also, what is it that we can do to at least start to be like them?

1.You are your own limit – Yes, you can have everything you want in life, if you don’t put limitations in your brain. Now you will say that is nonsense for a variety of reasons. But, tell me until you think out of the box, how will you rise above the ordinary? Until you go that extra mile or do something extra, you can’t be different? You have to take that risk. 

2. You don’t know what to do – You have a goal, but you don’t know how to go about achieving it. Well, maybe you haven’t researched enough. What happens when you are hungry (like starving) and you don’t have anything handy to eat? You go out or order but you get what you want. So, like hunger, you have to breathe and live your goals. Don’t rest till you find out how and what you need to do to achieve your goals.

3. The law of cause and effect – For every cause there is an effect. Everything happens because of an underlying reason. You want to be rich? Follow a life history of a person who rose from rags to riches. You want to be a successful entrepreneur, imitate a successful entrepreneur you know. Know everything about them. What they did? When they did? If you don’t know what they did, then you will never get the results that they got. Now, you might conflict me by saying, I want to make my own way, and no one can understand where I am coming from. Well, okay, agreed, but whats the harm from learning from your idol’s mistake? Don’t waste time making the same mistake.

4. It’s not going to be easy – Make peace with it. it will require an extra effort. You have to push yourself again and again. Find time to do what you want to do. Your comfort zone if your biggest enemy. Have a clear picture of who you are and have a clear picture of who you want to be. Then figure out what will it take you to reach where you want to be. It is going to require deep thinking. Don’t ask anyone else to define it for you. Do it yourself.

5. Don’t forget your values – Last but most important. Don’t ever forget you are made up of. If its feels wrong, most probably it is. You think it is wrong as those are your values.

Until next time…take care. Let me know if this helped.

66 responses to “You are what you do..!!!”

  1. Wow.. This is very inspiring.. We have to take risks to reach where we want to.. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Thanks a lot Jackie. I am glad you found it useful. Now, all you have to do is apply. What is it that you want to achieve in life?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I won’t say I want to achieve something.. I would say I want to inspire people in such a way that their mindset change on the present world of corruption and unrest..

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ah that’s wonderful. Good luck

        Liked by 1 person

      3. That’s a long way.. Thank you.. 🙂


      4. You have inspired me, and I think a lot of people will take this in terms of business and career goals, but you can apply it to more sectors of your life. Thank you.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Thank you so much for those kind words. Your have inspired me with this feedback.
        Sending my best to you

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for posting this, and you are right, your comfort zone is your enemy. I have bookmarked this post so I can go back and read it again when my level of focus drops. Thank you again!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. I am glad you liked it and have kept it for later reference. The opportunity in life lies beyond the comfort zone. We all forget this and make our lives complicated or worse blame the destiny. I hope we can change that.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Your post is really motivating and encouraging! The hard part is implementing it and sticking to it! I will refer back to this post to remind myself to stay focused! Thanks for such a great post!


    1. Glad I could help 🙂


      1. I look forward to reading more of your blog! 🙂


      2. I would love to write more. Just had a elbow fracture today. 😦
        But will write soon


      3. Oh, sorry to hear that. Hope you have a speedy recovery! I guess you have more time to read other blogs instead!


      4. Oh yes, I am looking forward to reading them all 🙂


  4. Sharing this post because it is amazing! Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you. Glad you liked it 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. You said it so well. I agree with you. Each one is the architect of their destiny. Those who shine do not just shine they work for it. Thanks for your very inspiring post.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Always like positive blog! Cheers!


    Liked by 3 people

    1. Thanks for the motivations pal..nursing a broken elbow till month end, will come back with more inspiring stuff next stuff. Hope you will like them.



  7. So true! I heard a quote somewhere and you reminded me of it:
    ‘I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.’- Muhammad Ali
    🙂 xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ah…The great Muhammad Ali, he had so much to teach us. My favourite quote of his is “To be a great champion, you must believe you are the best. If you are not, pretend you are.” Whenever I am down and low and anxious, I think if this quote. Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Stay blessed


      Liked by 2 people

    2. Thanks for the great quote, I think there is something to it, you must BE it first, then it will manifest. I just listened to some Abraham Hicks recordings and similar law of attraction philosophies that say, first one has to imagine to have what one desires, feel the joy, then one can attract the right opportunity and results effortless.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Oh wise words Tom..!!! I read an article today which said a lot of people get a laid back attitude when they imagine results and believe that they will happen. One can get carried away by just sitting and imagining. Well the mind likes it too after all it can think 60,000 thoughts in a day. So till we don’t give working on the dream, it’s ok. Do you think the same?


      2. Yes, I think one still has to do something to achieve the results, the philospy only says if you get mentally and emotionally aligned with what you want (by imagining you already have it), and focus on the idea, you will get inspiration and new ideas as to what to do that you will enjoy doing and still achieve what you want. Might be a new way you have not thought about till now, and easier you might have imagined before. On youtube there are great lectures about this.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Thanks Tom. Will check out the videos:)


        Liked by 1 person

  8. It’s interesting that the qualities we need to be our best and fulfill our own lives have to be taught to us. It should be a natural undertaking that should require guidance, but not basic understanding. Our parents over the generations have lost their own direction and no longer teach the important values, ethics and morals. Returning to basic decency and the desire to grow as a person is a good beginning.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is so true. When we are born, we are meant to live for so much more, but then due to conditioning of our brains through education, parental pressures(although they mean the best for us) we lose ourselves. I firmly believe somewhere we live inside ourselves. All we have to do is recognise out core selves and work on them everyday in order to break that the habit conditioning of our brain.

      Thank you so much for taking out time and express your thoughts on my post.


      Liked by 1 person

  9. What an inspiring post …. thank you. I am fast approaching 60 ( ugh) and still feel like I have stuff to do that I have missed…as in making a difference stuff, not just travelling and seeing and experiencing the world though that is definitely a part of it!! Earlier this year, I lost my father after a trying 12 months and being there for him and my mother during his sad decline. Our experience of loss within the hospital environment was not a good one, if there is such a thing, and like a comedy of errors things went wrong leaving me frustrated and quite angry at the hospital system. I decided to contact his neurologist, after his passing, and let him know what had happened. from this things took a very positive course as he passed me on to another doctor with responsibilities in the geriatric area. Together they encouraged me and enabled me to be in touch with the “right ” people and from there I was asked to speak at a large Forum on Patient Health and safety… to speak from a consumer point of view. I was terrified and did not think I would be able to do this as public speaking is a pet fear. I felt sick in the stomach until I started writing and decided on a Power Point presentation ….. To cut a long story short, the day arrived that I had to speak in front of the upper echelons of our state health and hospital department….. I was prepared and inspired by the images of my father that I had used….. the result was an overwhelming response and people at all levels queuing up to congratulate and thank me and also to apologise for the prior course of events . Well…. the feeling of empowerment and success at having done this and then receiving a beautiful bouquet of flowers to thank me …. was indescribable.
    I just needed to have faith in my beliefs and in my abilities to inspire that audience. It was like a drug , that feeling of success and empowerment .. and it led me to Blogging at last as I had previously felt that nobody would want to read what I had to say….. Sorry for the lengthy reply but it truly was amazing for me !!!
    Thank you for a great post


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Adrienne, thank you for sharing your wonderful experience. Sorry for your loss. May your father’s soul rest in peace. Emotions are strong drivers for success and are a great inspiring force. As a physician, I see family members of terminally ill patients go through various stages of emotional turmoil. But you have come out very gracefully. Stay blessed.



      1. .Thank you very much Garima …. I didn’t really realise that you were a physician even. I am still dealing with clinician at the hospital and keeping in touch. Actually one of them has suggested that maybe I would be a good person to work in their cognitive assessment unit as a volunteer. he thinks I have a knack for it … we will see what happens. My time with my mother is precious and anything I can do to give her quality of life is good
        Best wishes

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Chiradeep.



  10. So very true. Anyone can talk a good game, but we define ourselves by what we choose to act on.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Certainly true. I am also reminded of Tasso’s advice that, “Any time not spent on love is wasted.”

    Liked by 1 person

  12. The Twentysomething Social Recluse

    Awesome, encouraging post – thank you for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. This is awesome 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you..:)
      I am glad you liked it. Thanks for visiting my page.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. The one thing I would add is to do something you are passionate about. Even if you don’t become a billionaire, you will be successful in life if you do something you love. The billionaire part just becomes the bonus.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well said. Thank you for mentioning that.


      Liked by 1 person

  15. Your last point especially 👌

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Very True! We as a people have to be better motivated and inspired, but also ready to plan and organize and implement! We have to be willing to invest in what we want in an educated manner (which means research). Most people are not willing to do that now a days!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Exactly…!!! Glad we think alike.
      Best to you

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Awesome post and agreed. Successful people MAKE it happen, while others only wish/hope/dream. Usually it starts out by thinking about it, but you also have to take some kind of action to get somewhere in life, nothing is handed to you, nor is anyone “lucky”, we make our own “luck” 😉 Keep up the great work!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello, thank you for reading and liking my post. It is true. Humans are very good at imagining but also at procrastinating. We need to see beyond the restrictions of the mind and achieve our goals.

      Liked by 1 person

  18. Hi again, your title drew me in here, I have to say. It is very Aristotelian. He said ‘excellence is not an act, but a habit’ meaning that we must be practised in different skills and virtues before they become automatic parts of ourselves. Thanks for writing!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Interesting thoughts. Your last point is important. Values shouldn’t be sacrificed.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh yes, values can make and break us. Thank you for stopping by. Glad you liked it.
      Best to you


  20. NeverBeNormalAgain

    I read an article about risk-taking in business and who does it and why. People are more likely to take risks when they know they have something to fall back on – essentially the vast majority of billionaires have got there by knowing they cannot lose everything. Now that’s not something I can claim materially, but risk-taking in personal growth and relationships is no different. If you believe you cannot lose yourself you will emerge happier or wiser.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very well said, and that’s exactly is the path to success. To have this unwavering faith you can’t lose. I know due to our environment we are always asked to be risk protective, but I believe this takes us away from who we really are. Still have to figure out the way around that myself :).
      Thanks again for stopping by.
      Good luck


  21. NeverBeNormalAgain

    *basically they already enjoyed a quality of life that would not suffer by taking the risk. The same cannot be said for most aspiring billionaires…

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Reblogged this on Be Inspired..!! and commented:

    What goes around comes around..!!


  23. I agree that when a person becomes more conscious of their abilities- then yes fate and destiny is up to that person. That person can carve out the future they want. The thing that I find hard to agree with you is about the beggar on the street or the homeless. We love in a harsh society and to live on the streets must be like living in a war zone. Survival mode is the only way to exist and live. The community and most governments don’t have the resources available to help beggars/ homeless people. They turn to drugs because of the harsh weather, the feeling of being invisible. I don’t know every persons homeless story some could go back home but what of the others who can’t? How do we help homeless people find a role model to look up to?


  24. Very useful and practical steps – especially for what to do when you don’t know what to do! And most of all, the alignment with personal values… because only then can we have 100% confidence that what we are doing is worthy. Thank you, in lak’ech, Debra


  25. Russians have a good proverb “Везет тому, кто везет”, it means that lucky are those who are carrying out the job.


  26. Number 5 is the key. Discipline is a value. Sincerity is a value. Vision is a value. A clear vision of whom you (should) want to be will show you the way you need to go.

    Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for taking out time to read the post and appreciating it.



    Reblogged this on DOLPHINSPIRES and commented:
    Success is like the iceberg, we only see the tip. Years of hard work, commitment and sacrifice goes unseen. Thank you for this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for liking the post. Thanks again for the share


  28. I use to think and ponder on that same question initially stated in this blog. After many podcasts and videos and reading, I have come to the conclusion that truly wealthy people are where they are because of what they wanted to do. My definition of truly wealthy is something along the lines of an individual who developed on their passion and has become financially wealthy unintentionally. Something kind of like a spiritual connection. I see it as something you were put on this earth to do, which you are discovering, and when you have begun the job of doing what you were sent here on earth to do, then your riches will come. Not by monetary value alone, but a spiritaual value and truly knowing oneself. The film “Steve Jobs” film definitely portrays this in my opinion and it is a good reference to this post. Jobs was so very driven by his goals that no one else could imagine and now he is where he is. We literally have to be hungry and success driven with the willingness to fail at any moment and pick up where we left off. Hard to imagine.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah such wonderful words. I completely agree with you here. I think once you are aligned with your passions which are your spiritual connection to the “source” or the “universe”, riches of all kinds, financial, relationships, love will just align themselves and will flow effortlessly into your lives. We all shall experience that magic in our lives. Thanks a lot for the inspiration.
      Best to you

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!! I am glad you liked it so much.!!
      Best to you

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are welcome!

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