Hi there…thanks for coming back for the 3rd step. I hope you all are (or trying to) getting a good 7-8 hours of sleep every night and drinking lots and lots of water to boost up your metabolism and saying bidding adieu to FAT..!!

Now, we all know that more input leads to more output (common sense). In other words, more input will lead to more FAT. So, unless we decrease the amount of food we eat, we cannot think of losing fat. And to win this battle against food, we have to be smart and trick the mind to eat less. So, here are a few suggestions for you to trick your mind into eating less:

1. Time to get a new dinner/meal set 😉 – Well, who said that tricking the mind would difficult??!!!. I mean it doesn’t harm to shop a little..:P. So if you have been wanting to get rid of your old set and buy a new trendy one, this is your reason to do so. Make sure that the new set has smaller bowls, plates and serving spoons. So less the surface area of the utensils, less will be the food in them and in your stomach. You can do the same with your lunch boxes as well.

2. ATTENTION..!!! – Yes, switch off the TV, remove your headphones, close your laptops and try to talk as little as possible while you are eating. Pay attention to the aroma and taste the food has to provide. Is the salt ok? Are the vegetables boiled properly? Can this dish be cooked with some added condiments or spices? Also, be ready to take criticisms with a smile in case you are the cook, just be happy that paying attention to food is making everyone around you thin.

3. No one can eat just one..hmm – And that’s the truth ladies and gentleman. When someone offers you your favourite junk food, don’t let your brain tempt you to taking a tiny bite, as it will never end at that. As soon as the food will reach your tongue, the sensors will be happy, give you a satisfying feeling and then immediately you would want more. Nope, take a step back. Politely say NO, think about losing weight and your goal and just walk from that place or busy yourself in something else. Its difficult, trust me, I have been there, done that. But, you got to do what you got to do..!!!

4. Eat first…go out later – Next time whenever you plan to go to the mall or watch a movie, fill out stomach first at home with healthier options so that you don’t binge on aerated drinks and junk food outside. Popcorn are good, but not with butter..:P

Well, like I always say, life is easy but we make it complicated. You don’t have to be on organic pills or broccoli & carrot diet to lose weight. You just have to trick the mind and develop better habits to lose weight.

I shall meet you here soon…!!!!

8 responses to “Want to Lose weight? (Part 3 of 4) – Trick your Brain”

  1. Good one. Yes attention is a must!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. Glad you liked it..!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on Be Inspired..!! and commented:

    Step 3


  3. Thanks , leaving sugar and wheat also help to reduce weight , I only take soup in night and overall 4 meal in day which helped me to shred some kilos from body

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Good advice, thank you


  5. Advanced Research Technology

    I’ve been reading through this series and have really enjoyed it. Although I am thin and do all these things already (except a smaller meal set) I do enjoy the presentation of these natural and simple ways to get healthy and look like we mean it.


    1. Thank you. I am glad you liked them

      Liked by 1 person

  6. wow this is awesome. I’ve got s good friend that’s tried dieting to loose weight now I’ll have to show him this as an alternative. Thanks.
    much love, George


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