Welcome to the Daily Dose of Self Love. This series will be about self love, self care, self esteem and self worth. Basically everything related with SELF. My aim with this series is to give you a daily boost of self love and self care. We all get busy with our lives and sometimes it leaves us less or no time to take time for ourselves, be with ourselves, wash off all the negativity that we accumulated during the day with self love, meditation, etc. The daily boost will be in an easy to understand and more importantly something which is relatable. So Welcome!!

Self Love Practice Tip #16

Have you tried to do nothing sometimes? Like absolutely nothing. Not a single thought in your head, not a single want in a particular moment? Have you every gazed in the night sky and looked at the stars and recognise that the light from those stars has been travelling for millions if not billions of years sometimes to reach your eyes. They make you realise that you have actually evolved from stardust over 5 billion years. You are basically a miracle. The fact that we as human beings are here, alive on this planet is such a freaking miracle. The chances of the fact that we even exist is so tiny and so just try to go into that feeling of awe of your body and how something so complicated and complex has your eye or has your heart. Find awe in the feeling that you body has evolved so beautifully over centuries. Give some appreciation for that.

This puts things in perspective when you think like that. I hope you love yourself more. Come back tomorrow for more self love tips.

Is self love selfish? No..tap here to know more > https://empress2inspire.blog/2020/12/31/is-self-love-being-selfish-part-1/

7 responses to “Daily Dose of Self Love”

  1. the greatvincent

    I do absolutely nothing only and only when I’m sleeping.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for the reblog

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Always happy to read and share your posts with followers, Dear!!

        Liked by 1 person

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