Five magic words: I want to feel good! Your emotions are a guidance system informing you of whether or not you’re creating resistance to your intentions. Feeling bad lets you know that you’re not connected to the power of intention. Your intention here is to be tranquil and stress free. When you feel good, you’re connected to your intentions, regardless of what goes on around you or what others expect you to feel. If there’s a war going on, you still have the option to feel good. If the economy goes further into the toilet, you have the option to feel good. In the event of any catastrophe, you can still feel good. Feeling good isn’t an indication that you’re callous, indifferent, or cruel—it’s a choice you make. Say it out loud: I want to feel good! Then convert it to: I intend to feel good. Feel the stress, and then send it the love and respect of the seven faces of intention. The seven faces smile and say hello to what you label as feeling bad. It’s that feeling that wants to feel good. You must be to your feelings as your Source is to you, in order to counteract the desires of your ego.

Many events will transpire in which your conditioned response is to feel bad. Be aware of these outer incidents, and say the five magic words: I want to feel good. In that precise moment, ask yourself if feeling bad is going to make the situation any better. You’ll discover that the only thing that feeling bad accomplishes in response to outer situations is to plummet you into anxiety, despair, depression, and of course, stress. Instead, ask yourself in that moment what thought you can have that will make you feel good. When you discover that it’s responding with kindness and love to the bad feeling (which is quite different from wallowing in it), you’ll begin experiencing a shift in your emotional state. Now you’re in vibrational harmony with your Source, since the power of intention knows only peace, kindness, and love.

Excerpt From: Wayne W. Dyer. “The Power of Intention: Learning to Co-create Your World Your Way”. Apple Books.

15 responses to “Daily Dose for the Soul”

  1. Absolutely loved it.💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. While some factors that affect happiness are out of our control, (yes, genetics does play a role as do current life circumstances), there are always actions we can take to amp up our good vibes. Thank you for stopping by today.


      1. Glad you agree


  2. Great ideas to always keep in the back of your mind.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you agree with the simplicity of things.


  3. Love this. It’s so true. Feeling good is always a choice. We often give our power away to external circumstances.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! Many happy people realize happiness is a choice and it’s up to them to intentionally choose it every single day. Happy people are not held hostage by their circumstances and they do not seek happiness in people or possessions. … Fully experiencing it still requires a conscious decision to choose happiness each day.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes indeed, I couldn’t agree more.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. 🙌🏼🙌🏼

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the reblog

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Always a joy and pleasure to read and share your posts with followers, My Dear! Hope you have a great day!! xoxox 😘💕🎁🌹

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing


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