Ever say to yourself, “If I could just figure out what I’m really passionate about, everything else will take off”? If so, you’re not alone. One of the most common stumbling blocks to launching a passion-based life is figuring out what you’re passionate about in the first place. Sadly, many of us go about finding our passion in the wrong way. How? By thinking about it. We’re habituated to use our minds to analyze, rationalize and figure things out. It’s natural yet oooooh so torture some. Here are few questions to ask your while trying to find your passion :

  1. What interests do you have? Taking a look at what interests you have outside the work is a great start to finding out what you are passionate about. Think about what you like to do, any hobbies you have, or anything you immerse yourself in. 
  2. Is there one thing you love to do? Is there any pastime you want to consistently do? If you have free time and there is one activity that you always want to try and fit in, then maybe your subconscious is telling you something. 
  3. What do you read about? If you are a reader is there one topic that you like to read about more than any other? If there is a subject that you find yourself reading hours about then maybe it is a passion. Think about the type of books that you cannot put down.
  4. What are you naturally talented at? Is there anything you are naturally great at already? If you find that you are really good at something that you have never trained in, then maybe that is your true calling. 
  5. What are my core skills and strengths? Sometimes finding your why doesn’t mean reinventing yourself. Sometimes it means being true to the strengths and skills that you already possess. 
  6. When do I feel greatest sense of value? Is there anything you do in your life currently that gives you a great sense of value or purpose? If there is a task or activity that does give you an overwhelming sense of purpose, that is the perfect place to start when finding your why. 
  7. What gets you excited? If there is something in your like that truly gets you excited and motivated then you may have found your passion. If you get so excited about something that gets you out of bed in the morning, do not ignore the sensation.

That’s everything you need to know about finding your passion and probably a little more because I just can’t help myself, I’m passionate about sharing this work with you. Now go ahead and get started and don’t forget to let me know how it goes!

27 responses to “The Secret to Finding Your Passion”

    1. Thank you. I am glad you liked it. When you seek your passion, there’ll be parts of you that go into rebellion. I’d guess that this article itself might be provoking some of those resistant parts! We all have a huge number of fears—around failure, success, visibility, and vulnerability—that speak in sensible voices, instructing us that we mustn’t do what we love.


  1. This really helped me !! I really read so many about finding my passion but I think this gave me a clue . May be I should ask myself these questions again and agian… Thank you soo much 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That’s wonderful. I am glad this posts helped you. It might be that, through this exploration, you fall head over heels in love with an activity that engrosses you—something that lights you up and makes your heart sing. But now you have to ask yourself the next question: Who would benefit from (and pay for) this?

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Hope. I am glad you liked it. Choose to adopt the perspective that you can do what you love with your life. One of the best ways to strengthen this point of view is to surround yourself with people who are living examples. How many of your friends and family are following their passions? If it’s not many, it might be time to expand your circle; associate with—and be inspired by—men and women who are inspired by their work.

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  2. […] via The Secret to Finding Your Passion — Be Inspired..!! […]

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  3. mphtheatregirl

    I already know my passion- well its two passions.

    I was raised a Christian- I volunteered with Room in the Inn and was an acolyte at my church. I continued volunteering- I was part of a service club in middle and high school (at the same school- it was a k-12 school). With my diocese, I went to two Outreach weekend events- one did a poverty simulation and the other, a dinner exercise. In high school, I also did a cardboard campout. Through all of this, found my calling in giving back to the community after that that dinner exercise- it made me realize that the vast majority of the world was living in the poverty. I knew my calling was giving back to the community, and my main interest was in those living in poverty. In college, I actually realized I wanted to work in Nonprofit at some point.

    The other passion is musical theatre.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So you are a compassionate and a creative girl. Giving back to the society is the biggest thing you can ever do.


  4. Its taken me a long time to find a balance between work and my passion. But its finally happening. I have combined my love for teaching, writing, public speaking into my life vision. Check me out on you tube at conversations with j. R. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thanks for the thoughts!!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I am glad you liked it. Passion’ is a word so excessively used and almost always blindingly paired with work, that if you actually ask around you may find that not everyone really gets what Passion is. At the root of it all, it points to that strong emotion you have inside of you, for someone, or some thing.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hmmmm I really like that thought 🙂 that really resonates. I love it when Passion surprises you and jumps in out of nowhere

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes indeed..the excitement is palpable.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Well spoken encouraging words Anand Bose from Kerala

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you again.
      I link passion and purpose together. I think that your purpose is largely out of your passion. Passion is good, but you need to understand why you’re doing what you’re doing and I think purpose answers the question of how someone’s life can be better. When you put together your gifts — the things you’re naturally good at — and you know what you’re really passionate about… that’s where you find your purpose.


      1. Thank you so much from your kind words

        Liked by 1 person

  7. alreadylostintranslation

    I would like to say you write beautifully with lot of passion in all of your posts.
    Keep writing and I wish you all the very best 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. I am glad you liked my post.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Always a pleasure to read and share your posts, Dear! Hope you are having a great week!
        xoxox 😊😘💕💖✨✨🎉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

        Liked by 1 person

  8. 💯% so true! This is great! Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you liked the post

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