How many times each day do you try to work yourself up to tackle some undesirable task? If you’re like me—several. Nothing is more exhausting than the task that is never started.

Here are a few tips for avoiding procrastination and getting things done :

  • Project how great you will feel in the future after completing the task compared to how terrible you will feel if you don’t.
  • Breakdown an intimidating task into a series of easy, super tiny tasks.
  • Tell yourself you are only going to do a task for 10 minutes or just do the very first step.
  • Use Parkinson’s law to your advantage. Basically, the time it takes to complete a task will fill whatever time is given. Create artificial time limits to complete something.
  • Scare yourself. Think of what you would lose if you don’t complete the task on time.
  • Reframe your internal language to make the task at hand less daunting.
  • Do “reverse procrastination” which is trick your brain into thinking you have an even more tedious, loathsome task to do. Example : Start cleaning your bathroom or watching videos on filing taxes. “Procrastinate” on the task by doing the task that you are supposed to do.
  • Do the most dreaded task first at the beginning of the day, which will give you the momentum to finish more tasks.
  • Remind yourself that 99% of the time, nothing is stopping you from doing the task at hand.

Reference :

14 responses to “Tips for Avoiding Procrastination”

  1. As a big time procrastinator having read pages and pages of advice on avoiding procrastination (while procrastinating 😂) I’d rate this article 9/10. It covers almost every advice in a good and succinct manner.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Mrityunjay.


  2. mphtheatregirl

    I never had this problem. In school, I was hardworking and determined student. It is important to start doing assignments and papers early and not wait until the last minute.

    One tip I learned high school: just write, don’t like about it. Otherwise known as dump trucking. That tip was very helpful on papers and now the books I am writing

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is a very good tip. Thank you for sharing !!


      1. mphtheatregirl

        That became helpful for both papers and now, for blogging posts and my books

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you agree with the post.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This always works for me. “Do the most dreaded task first at the beginning of the day, which will give you the momentum to finish more tasks.”
    Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah me too. Always do the hardest thing first. Always do the thing that you’d rather leave to last.You’ll get the icky thing done sooner. That ‘looming’ feeling will go away. You’ll have used your will-power, limited resource that it is, in the most effective way possible. When your will-power resources were at their peak, you used as much as you needed to get through what you needed to do. You have less left now, but that’s okay. You need less for tasks that are more enjoyable.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Great post 🙏👍👌💐.Your content are really informative and practical.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Procrastination puts you in a worse position vs. if you don’t procrastinate. … Thus, if you sometimes procrastinate on your goals and tasks, it’s time to resolve this and stop wasting your life away. As long as you keep putting off what you should be doing, you are putting off living.

      Liked by 1 person

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