Freedom from the fear of unwanted experiences will never be achieved by trying to control the behaviour or desires of others. Your freedom can only be allowed by adjusting your own vibrational point of attraction.

Without a knowledge of the Law of Attraction, and without a conscious awareness of what you are doing with your own vibrational point of attraction, it is understandable why you would attempt to control the circumstances that surround you. However, once you learn about the Law of Attraction, and once you are aware of the way your thoughts feel, you will never again feel fear about unwanted things jumping into your experience. You will understand that nothing can jump into your experience without your invitation. Since there is no assertion in this attraction based Universe, if you do not achieve vibrational harmony with it, it cannot come to you, and unless you do achieve vibrational harmony with it, it cannot come to you.

Even the smallest among you, your babies, are offering vibrations that the Universe is matching. And, like you, your little ones are influenced by the vibrations of those who surround them, but nevertheless, they are creating their own reality. Like you, they did not begin the creation of their life in this body once they were in it, but ling before their physical birth they set into motion this life experience that they are now living.

Reference : Ask and It Is Give. Esther and Jerry Hicks.

9 responses to “Daily Dose for the Soul”

  1. Beautiful way to explain the deep concept of life that law of attraction is at work
    Stay safe happy healthy and wealthy

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The law of attraction always works. Always. Our responsive universe does show you exactly what you are putting out in the form of energy—simply look at what you are getting back (your reality). And there are always ways to change your resonance to receive exactly what you do want. Thank you for reading my posts. Much appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Totally agree with what you said

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I am glad you agree Kanika. Thank you for stopping by again and leaving a comment.


  2. This is a very powerful line “You will understand that nothing can jump into your experience without your invitation” explaining how we create our realities through perceptions and reaction to situations. Nice excerpt

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes the most powerful line in the post. So when people say create your own reality, they literally mean, create your own perception of how you want reality to be. This has to do with both external and internal workings of your reality. The reality is that all we can do is create our own reality, because we can never step out of our own perspective.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’ve explained it well. Thanks

        Liked by 1 person

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