How To Stop Undermining Your Own Success And Contentment

Ever had the thought that you were the one ruining your own pleasure and success? When something that you knew was good for you started to happen, you halted it in its tracks and ruined the chance before you even gave yourself a chance. It is possible to eventually conquer self-sabotage and move past your own obstructions. Accept what you deserve and welcome it in. You deserve to be successful and happy in life.

Set aside your expectations

If you hold on to particular outcomes and expectations closely and they don’t materialise, you could be very hard on yourself. You were hard on yourself for not getting the outcome you desired. However, it’s possible that something even greater wants to enter your life, and this is the reason why things didn’t go as planned. Perhaps something that is actually intended to happen for you is on the horizon in another form or experience that will offer you so much more happiness and success. Can you be comfortable with things not turning out exactly the way you intended or expected them to? Can you recognise the value and gift in the situation and be receptive to having what will serve your highest good come into your life? Allow yourself to let go and be open to receiving something greater, different, and beyond what you can now fathom.

Check in with your values and routines

You gather beliefs over time that may have helped you in the past but are no longer helpful to hold onto and carry with you. Even though you desire to change and grow, they might be keeping you tiny or in a box. You must be willing to become consciously aware of what is going on inside of you, maybe at a conscious or subconscious level, in order to move past the beliefs and programming that you have absorbed from others or the past and be open to exploring new beliefs and behaviours. The important thing is to be as present as you possibly be so that you can see them as they appear in your present-moment consciousness. Allow yourself to change and let go of outdated ways of being, thinking, and doing so that you can view the world from a fresh angle and state of awareness that will promote your success and pleasure. It might take some time, and some feelings might surface. But you can set yourself free and decide to live from a new set of ideas and habits that are formed from a position of self-love and self-worth going forward.

Believe in yourself and what your heart is yearning for.

Your innermost aspirations, emotions, and callings exist for a purpose. Believe in what you’re motivated to make, do, or be. It is up to you to take ownership of the vision that resides there and is pleading to be developed and nurtured in order to develop into something bigger. It is up to you to decide whether or not to follow your heart’s desire and take the necessary steps to materialise your ambitions. It’s acceptable if other people don’t think you or your vision are real. You can choose to listen to your intuition regardless of whether you believe in or trust yourself. Don’t listen to or believe the critical voice in your head that says you it’s a bad idea and won’t succeed. Instead, be brave enough to make time and space for the activities that make you feel alive. Let your heart guide you.

It’s time to overcome your own obstacles.

When you feel unworthy or inadequate, let another aspect of you take control. You deserve a wonderful life and have so much to contribute to the world in your own special way. Stop sabotaging your success and happiness, and take action by putting your happiness first, believing in yourself.

“Resilience” is now PUBLISHED!!!! Knowing yourself, your thought patterns, emotional reactions, and go-to behaviours, is the foundation of good mental and emotional health. This book will teach you when to step back, take a break, and make a change. It will share suggestions on how to let go of the old, unhelpful assumptions and take the leap. Any purchases or KDP reads will be greatly appreciated. If you like my books, do leave a review. Here’s my author page on Amazon –

15 responses to “Stop Killing Yourself”

  1. I’m continually getting told by my Mental Health Nurse to be kind to myself

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes she right. A gentle soul like you deserves all the kindness. Surround yourself with as much love as you can. Give your heart the best life it can have. Give your soul the kindest and warmest hugs day in and day out. And show yourself undying love, that will live on until your very last breath.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Absolutely. I’m definitely learning more about myself day by day and since I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder I have found a complete new perspective. I’m convinced it was the wake up call I needed. I’m also convinced that I was given the diagnosis at a time when I had chance to adapt. If it was 2 years or more previous then I wouldn’t have coped. That’s speculation though isn’t it. I have 2 or 3 appointments per week with the nurse and she said that I am the most honest and understanding of my illness she has met. I don’t think I am as many people are as knowledgeable but choose not to be vocal. It’s just whatever you feel comfortable with. I have accepted my illness as being a part of me just like my haircut is or the colour of my eyes. I’m sure the body doesn’t recognise anything because it’s been given a name? Bipolar is controlling my life and will be doing for hopefully another 40+ years so I’m just going to have a conscious effort to learn more about it. You never know if I can understand what it is and how it works I just might be able to live with it in a positive manner

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you for your kind words 🤗

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  2. […] How To Stop Undermining Your Own Success And Contentment: Stop killing yourself […]

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  3. Thanks for the encouragement!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Most welcome Shaun. I am glad you liked the post.

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  4. Such a wonderful post. Thanks for writing it❤️

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    1. Thank you for taking time to read my post and leaving a thoughtful message. Have a great day ahead.

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  5. I needed to read this today. Thank you

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