Giving yourself a break and recognizing who you really are starts with self-reflection, acknowledgment and self-belief, despite any self-criticism, embarrassment, or vulnerability that may present itself.

Here are some tips to help you give yourself a break and recognize who you truly are:

  1. Practice self-compassion: Be kind to yourself with encouragement and positive affirmations, instead of criticism or self-deprecation.
  2. Notice your thoughts: Take note of negative thoughts and cognitive distortions that may hinder your perception. Mindfulness can assist with being gentle on oneself.
  3. Identify your values: Become familiar with your core values, like honesty, respect, generosity, commitment, and structure. Often these values relate to endeavoring to the goals at hand.
  4. Know your strengths: Acknowledge and take pride in what you achieve in your efforts and abilities.
  5. Overcome fears and limiting beliefs: Challenge any self-doubt or anxiety through self-assuredness, which breeds positive action.
  6. Visualize success: Imagine what you feel success looks and feels like.
  7. Seek external resources such as books, therapy, and involvement with social-support groups that share mutual philosophical thoughts.

Ultimately, self-compassion to become aware of your belief structures, and growth may lead to recognizing the extraordinary inner attitudes and abilities within us. Positive understanding of oneself, taking an honest appraisal of inherent strengths, respectfully welcoming improvement opportunities, and using them as benefits and inspiration to consistently build up, leads to a heightened self-awareness.

“Find Your Voice” is a collection of over 100 heart warming poems that will leave you feeling inspired and motivated. This book is filled with beautiful and encouraging poems that remind you that you can always find your voice in this world. Each poem is carefully crafted to provide comfort and hope in times of darkness and doubt. When you need a reminder of the light within you, pick up a copy of the book today.”

4 responses to “Give Yourself A Break”

  1. How are you able to “notice your thoughts” without judgement of them as “negative” or as “cognitive distortions”?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Like don’t attach any emotions to it


      1. Do the thoughts sometime come with emotion already attached?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes like past wounds or memories which we haven’t healed from. Even good ones actually


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